Selera Ramai Ikan Singgang Menu Malaysia 2023

Hello Selera Ramai Ikan Singgang lovers, are you looking for the latest Selera Ramai Ikan Singgang Menu? You have arrived at the right place then. We have uploaded their complete menu with pictures & updated prices. Below you will find the latest Lists Selera Ramai Ikan Singgang Menu 2023 Malaysia with prices.

Selera Ramai Ikan Singgang Menu Malaysia
Selera Ramai Ikan Singgang Menu Malaysia

Selera Ramai Ikan Singgang Menu Malaysia 2023 With Prices List


T2. Budu Ulam Biasa-RM 6.50
A1. Ikan KembungRM 9.50
E1. Lidah Gorengfrom RM 9
Ikan TongkolRM 10.50
A6. Dagingfrom RM 8.50
H1. Ayam Gorengfrom RM 8.50


Bawal 3 RasaRM 35
Bawal GorengRM 35
Bawal PedasRM 35
Bawal Masak KicapRM 35


Siakap Stim LimauRM 42
Siakap Masak HaliaRM 42
Siakap 3 RasaRM 42
Siakap PedasRM 42
Siakap Masak KicapRM 42


L1. Kerabu Manggafrom RM 8
Kerabu SotongRM 10
L3. Kerabu Ikan Bilisfrom RM 8


J2. Telur DadarRM 3
J1. Telur MataRM 2.50


E1. Lidah Gorengfrom RM 9
E2. Lidah Kicapfrom RM 9
Lidah PedasRM 9


Selera Ramai Ikan Singgang in Malaysia offers a wide variety of options to choose from, including options for fish lovers such as Ikan Kembung, Ikan Tenggiri, Ikan Siakap, and Ikan Tongkol, as well as options for seafood lovers such as Lala and Udang. They also have options for meat lovers like Daging. Prices start at just RM 8 for Lala and go up to RM 42 for Ikan Siakap.

A6. Dagingfrom RM 8.50
A1. Ikan KembungRM 9.50
A2. Ikan TenggiriRM 13
A3. Ikan SiakapRM 42
Ikan TongkolRM 10.50
A5. Lalafrom RM 8
A7. Udangfrom RM 9


B2. Tomyam Seafoodfrom RM 9
B1. Tomyam Campurfrom RM 8
B3. Tomyam Dagingfrom RM 8.50
B4. Tomyam Ayamfrom RM 8.50


C2. Sup Tulangfrom RM 9
C3. Sup Sayurfrom RM 7.50


D1. Poktek Campurfrom RM 8.50
D2. Poktek Seafoodfrom RM 10
D3. Poktek Dagingfrom RM 8.50
D4. Poktek Ayamfrom RM 8.50


F1. Udang Gorengfrom RM 9.50
F2. Udang Petaifrom RM 9.50
F4. Udang Pedasfrom RM 9.50


G1. Sotong Gorengfrom RM 10
G4. Sotong PetaiRM 10
G2. Sotong Pedasfrom RM 10
G3. Sotong Kicapfrom RM 10


H3. Ayam Kicapfrom RM 8.50
H1. Ayam Gorengfrom RM 8.50
H4. Ayam Haliafrom RM 8.50
H2. Ayam Pedasfrom RM 8.50


I1. Daging Gorengfrom RM 8.50
I5. Daging Haliafrom RM 8.50
I2. Daging Pedasfrom RM 8.50
I3. Daging Kicapfrom RM 8.50
I4. Daging Merahfrom RM 8.50

Ulam Ulaman

T2. Budu Ulam Biasa-RM 6.50
PetaiRM 4.50
T4. Sambal Belacan Ulam BiasaRM 6
BuduRM 1.50
Budu Sambal BelacanRM 2.90

Ikan Goreng

U1. Ikan Rebus GorengRM 4.50
U2. Ikan Masin GorengRM 4

Ikan Kembung

M2. Ikan Kembung 3 RasaRM 8.50
M1. Ikan Kembung GorengRM 8.50
M3. Ikan Kembung PedasRM 8.50

Ikan Tenggiri

N1. Ikan Tenggiri Goreng KunyitRM 12.50
Ikan Tenggiri PedasRM 12.50
Ikan Tenggiri KicapRM 12.50


Selera Ramai Ikan Singgang’s menu in Malaysia offer a wide variety of options, including the popular Ikan Kembung and Ikan Tenggiri at reasonable prices, starting at just RM 9.50. They also have other seafood options such as Lala and Udang, starting at RM 8. Additionally, they have options for non-seafood lovers, such as Burung Puyuh Goreng and Kerang Rebus, starting at RM 7. They also have unique options like Laicikang and Kerepok Lekor Cheese at RM 7.50 and RM 10 respectively.

X2. Burung Puyuh GorengRM 7
Kerang RebusRM 15
ABCRM 7.50
LaicikangRM 7.50
X2. Burung Puyuh PedasRM 7
Kerepok Lekor CheeseRM 10


K2. Kailan Ikan Masinfrom RM 6.50
K6. Pucuk Paku Gorengfrom RM 6.50
K1. Kangkung Belacanfrom RM 6.50
K3. Sayur Campurfrom RM 6.50
K4. Kacang Panjang Gorengfrom RM 6


O1. Lala SeraiRM 9.50
O2. Lala PedasRM 9.50
O3. Lala Masak ManisRM 9.50


V1. Nasi PutihRM 2.50


Selera Ramai Ikan Singgang Menu in Malaysia offers a wide range of refreshing beverage options for customers to choose from. Their menu includes classic favorites such as tea, coffee, and Milo, as well as unique options like Teh O Limau and Sirap Laici. They also offer different variations such as Teh O Limau and Teh O Laici. Prices for their drinks start at just RM 2, making it easy to find something to quench your thirst without breaking the bank. They also offer different version of their drinks such as teh, kopi, milo with or without milk. They also have some unique drinks like cha yen, Horlicks and Nescafe.

Teh Ofrom RM 2
Milofrom RM 3
Tehfrom RM 2.20
Kopi Ofrom RM 2
Teh O Limaufrom RM 2.50
Limaufrom RM 2
Sirap Laicifrom RM 3
LaiciRM 3
Kopifrom RM 2.20
Nescafefrom RM 3
Nescafe Ofrom RM 2.80
Milo Ofrom RM 2.80
Milo TaburRM 3.80
Horlicksfrom RM 2.50
Horlicks Ofrom RM 2.20
Neslofrom RM 3.20
Neslo Ofrom RM 2.80
Teh O Laicifrom RM 3
Cha YenRM 5.50

Jus Buah

Selera Ramai Ikan Singgang Menu in Malaysia. They offer a wide variety of options, including a variety of fish options such as Ikan Kembung, Ikan Tenggiri, Ikan Siakap, and Ikan Tongkol, as well as options for meat and shellfish like Daging and Udang. Prices range from RM 8.50 to RM 42, making it an excellent value for the quality of the food. In addition to the main dishes, they also offer a variety of side dishes such as Burung Puyuh Goreng, Kerang Rebus, ABC, Laicikang, and more, with prices ranging from RM 5 to RM 15. They also offer a wide variety of juices, including Jus Epal, Avocado Chocolate, Jus Mangga Susu, Jus Tembikai, and more, with prices ranging from RM 5 to RM 8.60. Overall, Selera Ramai Ikan Singgang Menu is a great place to enjoy a satisfying seafood meal.

Jus EpalRM 5
Avocado ChocolateRM 8.50
Jus Mangga SusuRM 8.60
Epal SusuRM 5.70
Jus TembikaiRM 5
Tembikai LaiciRM 6.70
Jus OrenRM 5
Lobak SusuRM 5.70
Oren SusuRM 5.70
Tembikai SusuRM 5.70
Jus LobakRM 5

Selera Ramai Ikan Singgang Alternative Restaurants

Selera Ramai Ikan Singgang Menu Malaysia

Who is the owner of Selera Ramai Ikan Singgang in Malaysia?

Chia Na Bow is the owner of the Selera Ramai Ikan Singgang in Malaysia.

Is Selera Ramai Ikan Singgang halal in Malaysia?

We are not sure about if Selera Ramai Ikan Singgang is halal in Malaysia or not.

What Selera Ramai Ikan Singgang accepts credit cards in Malaysia?

Yes! Selera Ramai Ikan Singgang accepts credit cards in Malaysia.

How many barnches have Selera Ramai Ikan Singgang in Malaysia?

Selera Ramai Ikan Singgang has more than 25 outlets in Malaysia.

Christopher Tan Author at
Alia Izzati Author at

Author: Alia Izzati

Alia Izzati is an experienced food critic and writer based in Malaysia. She is the author of several popular articles on the websites and, where she covers a wide range of topics related to restaurants and their menus. With a keen palate and a passion for exploring the culinary landscape of her home country, Alia is known for her thoughtful and in-depth reviews of the latest dining trends and hotspots. Whether you’re looking for the best new places to eat in Malaysia or just want to stay up-to-date on the latest food news, Alia’s articles are a must-read for anyone with an interest in the culinary arts.

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